
Autumn Garden!

Out in the backyard today to take some pics of new designs,

too sunny and waiting for the sun to go behind a cloud.

With so much rain over the past couple of months,

the garden is looking very pretty.



The Camellias have been loaded with flowers this year.





My lemon tree is just as loaded with fruit.



This Bromeliad is the star of the garden.


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Easter weekend!


Easter on the Ninety Mile Beach this year started

with some not so good weather, overcast, windy

and rough seas. Although we love this beach

in all weather.


What a difference a day makes,

clear skies, calm water and not another person in sight.


A visit to the newly opened

Lily Lane Too was in order to purchase some needed supplies.



To complete my stack of stars.



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Class homework / Show & Tell!

Lots of homework completed at yesterdays

Baltimore Garden class

at The Sewing Bee Cafe.


Loving those bluebirds, both completely different

but both gorgeous.



Show and tell in class was a completed ‘Winter Blooms”

 quilt from a class last year this time in batiks.


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Class Show & Tell!


At a recent sewing day at

The Sewing Bee Cafe, lots of ladies who have been

attending my classes brought along the blocks

they had been working on over the holidays.

(Sorry for the blurry pics)


S-B Cafe B-G Jan17a


Beginners Applique class above,

Baltimore Garden class below.


S-B Cafe B-G Jan17b


 S-B Cafe B-G Jan17e


S-B Cafe B-G Jan17c


This one waiting for the 3D flowers we will be putting together next month.


S-B Cafe B-G Jan17d


I love to see these quilts coming together.

Well done ladies, your blocks are looking great.

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Mystery Revealed!


A great sunrise a couple of days ago,

with dark clouds and a red sky.

Reminded me of the old saying

 ‘Red sky at  night Shepard’s delight.

red sky in the morning Shepard’s warning’.

How true it is, half an hour into our walk and it started to rain

and rain and rain and rain.

Quite a relieve after all the hot weather we’ve had.


Sunrise 13-1-17a


Mystery quilt has been revealed, with many participants

staying up sewing to complete their quilts.

At the moment all I have time for,

is to lay mine out to see the possibilities.

The first, is the layout per instructions.


En Provence Finale1


As my lighter purples are a little too light,

they tend to run into my neutrals. (light grey)

I turned my purple four patch blocks around to reveal the second pic.


En Provence Finale2


I’m tempted to go with the second choice.


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Happy New Year 2017!


As we say goodbye to 2016 and welcome in a brand New Year of 2017,

I’d like to take the opportunity to thank all of my readers, followers,

 class participants and stockists all the best for the coming year.




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Mystery Sewing!


Week/clue 5 of the Mystery Quilt is now complete,




with much of week/clue 4 also complete.




Yesterday summer storms rolled in after temperatures of 38°c. (100°f)

This was the view from the road as we raced over to the beach for more pics.






Looks impressive and makes our beach look very tropical,

but not a lot of rain for us compared to other places.

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Merry Christmas!




A few of my Christmas quilts designs for this year.

Above is Christmas Grandeur and below is

Christmas by Moonlight.




The last one is Christmas Spirit.


Best Wishes to all for a happy & safe Christmas.


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Love those Purples!


Part 4 of the Mystery quilt is not stitched yet, just cut out in preparation.




After working on my purple 4 patch, I realized I needed more fabric.

A check of my stash revealed these beauties just waiting to be used.




Now I can add some more variety to these partly

completed 4 patches.




Still more of the grey 4 patches to be completed as well.




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