Allietare Update!

Allietare 6e

Allietare 6d

Unfortunately my Allietare Mystery Quilt has not progressed

any further than the four blocks shown on a previous post.

Due to the number of classes and workshops commitments booked in the next few months,

I have had to neatly pack it away till I can get back to it.

You can see more Allietare updates here.

I am loving the colour combinations of all the completed quilts.


Allietare 2-16b


Allietare 2-16a


The next two Saturdays, I will be teaching Winter Blooms

at The Sewing Bee Cafe in Baxter, Victoria. A couple of places

are left if you would like to learn to make 3D flowers

a specialty of mine.


Winter Blooms Sept2015aa


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Allietare Mystery!


Allietare 4a

The pieces for Allietare Mystery Quilt part 4 are almost cut out.

Starting to fall behind, although now that Christmas is over for another year

I can get back to the sewing machine.

You can view what others are doing in their mystery quilts here.


Palm Beach Quilting a

This is what I have been working on. The quilting is now finished

and the binding machine stitched on, just the hand stitching

to do at night while watching TV with the family.

Kits for this quilt will be available in the New Year.


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Allietare Mystery!

Progress this week towards the Allietare Mystery

has been a little slower.

I have managed to half complete the four patch blocks.


Allietare 3a


I did get a little sidetracked again,

making some more string blocks.

Allietare 3b


Which are starting to mount up.

Allietare 3c


And these miniature blocks too.

So cute.

Allietare 3d

You can see the progress of others here.

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