
Time for sewing!

Playing with a box of leftovers from previous quilts.



From leftovers to this stack of four patch blocks.

Still loving these colours.




Some early morning pics of these gorgeous beauties in my garden before the heat gets to them.





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AQM 2018!

Another exciting weekend, attending the

Australia Quilt Market. Preparation takes months of planning and for me

is a combination of new projects as well as my years work.

Setting up can take hours and I always forget to take photos of the whole process.




 Some of my newest designs that have now been added to my pattern page are

Bushland Chorus (table runner)


Windchimes Tote


These gorgeous Alstroemeria or Peruvian Lily as they are more commonly known as,

just continually flower year after year without much help and always make a stunning display.



Windchimes (quilt)


A big thank you to all of  my customers for attending.

My new stockists have been added to the list.


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Free Motion Quilting!

Spent much of yesterday afternoon attempting some

free motion quilting on these blocks.

Not great, but any practice helps to improve skills.

Only tackling small projects at the moment, not ready to tackle a large quilt.


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Classes & Trunk Shows

So excited to have spent some time

teaching and having trunk shows

in country New South Wales recently.

Shown are a few highlights, as always should have taken more photos.



Always a favourite, my ‘Illusions’ quilt.



Another favourite, my ‘Heyfield Station Tote’

with the ever popular 3dimensional flowers.



A big thank you to everyone who made us so welcome.



On our way home, we stopped to catch up with family and friends.

This was the view from the road of Mt Buller, glistening in the glorious spring sunshine.

And below from a different road, with Mt Buller on the right

and Mt Stirling on the left.



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New Quilt Sample!

A wintery version of Belle Rouge,

back from the quilters and binding completed.

I headed out to photograph it on a cold and blowy winters day.




 Although you can’t tell from the photos the wind was blowing a gale.



So close to Spring the wattle blossoms are flowering!




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Quilt Showcase Awards!

After a very busy couple of months, its time for some

catch-up with all thats been happening.



So excited to receive first prize for my quilt ‘Bloom’

in the 2 person Wall Quilt category and

Judges Commendation at the

Victorian Quilters Quilt Showcase.

Great show and congratulations to all that entered.

Wish I had taken more photos.



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Weekend Retreat!

Recently I was lucky to spend some time catching up with these

lovely ladies again the this year at the

Lily Lane retreat in Lakes Entrance.




Show and tell is always popular, this version of Illusions had just been quilted.

All hand pieced in repro fabrics and looks absolutely stunning.

The photo doesn’t do it justice.



Also progress from a previous class I taught at Lily Lane,

this version of Twilight Clematis. (Flowers in progress)



A  couple of my new quilts were also displayed.

Spring Song.



and a new version of Boathouse Tavern.



And whats a retreat without a visit to the local patchwork shop, Lily Lane Too.



Lots of goodies to temp you, just a few made their way home with me.



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Quilts on a Road Trip continued!

Another new quilt that came on our road trip,

was a ufo that was started some time ago and never completed

for some now forgotten unknown reason.

Now its finished, quilted and bound and is now one of my many favourites.

We came across these wonderful old disused bridges,

lovely setting by the very low river, great for a quilt photos.



On further inspection, maybe not!

Now totally fenced off, to dangerous for anybody.



Choose the veranda of this very fitting old building instead.

Pattern now added to the pattern page.



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Road Trip!

For those of you unable to follow my Instagram posts,

I have added this video & pics.

A glorious autumn morning, perfect for a walk on this slice of Aussie coast,

with only the sound of the waves.



These cheeky kookaburras visited us and every other unit every day around dinner time.



Plus many more of the locals and the view from our unit. Stunning.




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