Quilt Showcase Awards!

After a very busy couple of months, its time for some

catch-up with all thats been happening.



So excited to receive first prize for my quilt ‘Bloom’

in the 2 person Wall Quilt category and

Judges Commendation at the

Victorian Quilters Quilt Showcase.

Great show and congratulations to all that entered.

Wish I had taken more photos.



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Playing Catch-up!

Lately I’ve been a slack posting on my blog.

Thinking that I had posted on Instagram as well as my blog,

but actually only posting on Instagram.

Over the next few days (or weeks) I will

endeavour to catch up with all that’s been happening.



I’m thrilled and delighted to receive first prize for my Primrose Manor,

at Victorian Quilters Showcase at the Melbourne Quilt and Craft Fair.



Some closeups of the 3d flowers, gorgeous fabrics and quilting.



Congratulations to all who entered theirs quilts into Showcase.

You are all winners!



          Thank you for visiting