Happy Fabric Frolicking!


This week I visited a couple of patchwork shops,

to restock them with my patterns before the

Fabric Frolic starts. Checked out some of the prizes,

there are going to be some very lucky people.


Fabric Frolic 2015


First shop I headed to The Patchwork Tea House.

Always love the drive there, as I take the scenic route

it takes a little longer but is worth it. It rained all the way,

something special about the Aussie bush when it rains

with the smell of the eucalypts and the beautiful tree ferns.


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Fabric Frolic 15a


The Patchwork Tea House is well known for their

Devonshire Teas, a must have if you visit.


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So much to look at

and new for this visit are the batiks.


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Second stop was to Palm Beach Quilting,

also part of the Fabric Frolic.


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Not only to restock my patterns and templates

but to drop off sample to showcase  a new range of fabrics.


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Happy Fabric Frolicking for those

partaking in the festivites.



          Thank you for visiting