Another project completed!


With the two projects from the large tubs on the right in

the photo below completed and at the quilters,

the one above them is the next in line to finish.


19-2-2014 d


When I first opened the tub,  I thought the quilt top

was almost completed.


Penghana a


 But no, it was mostly pinned together,

completion would take longer than first anticipated.

These are all the pins that were holding the blocks together.

No wonder I was running out of pins for other projects.

Penghana 1

Penghana b


All of the half square triangles for the border were made and

sorted for the four borders at the bottom of the tub.

Penghana c


They didn’t take long to piece together and attach

to the quilt top along with the unpieced borders.

More photos when it arrives back from the quilters.


          Thank you for visiting

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