Fabric Frolic 2014!



The Fabric Frolic is on again and starts this Friday.

Yesterday I called into The Patchwork Tea House to drop off some new patterns

and saw some of the great prizes on offer this year from the very generous sponsers.

Not one but two Phaff sewing machines to be won plus lots and lots

of other goodies, too many to list.




I also got to see the sample of the free block and project pattern,

can you guess which block Marilyn has made?




Today I called into Palm Beach Quilting

also to drop off some quilts and new patterns and this is

the sample of the free block and project sheet available.

Can you guess which block Maureen has made?

I also heard that Maureen is opening on Sunday 19th January

for those who cannot make it through the week.


          Thank you for visiting

2 Replies to “Fabric Frolic 2014!”

  1. Hi there Julie, thank you for that reminder that the Fabric Frolic is on, and you got to two of my most favourite patchwork shops to see their efforts too. I hope all is well with you and that your new year is off to a good start, even if it is too hot to do much else but sit and design new quilts..

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