Lost Blocks!


Earlier this month, when we attended

‘Quilts in the Barn’ we saw a number of quilts with the schoolhouse block.

I was reminded that I had received some of these blocks

at a retreat some time ago. (Six blocks in total)

You received one ticket for every block you entered and

there was quite a few sets of six or nine blocks.

Now where were they? And when was that retreat?



After much searching, I managed to find them, along with

the drawing and template pattern complete with straight grain lines.

Not something you see on patterns every day.



Also with the pattern was the retreat information. As it was being held

at a local boarding school, the theme was

‘Back to school’ in September 2003.





At the time these weren’t a favorite block, so got left,

put away and forgotten about, until I saw how beautiful they

could look. Must be time that they finally become part of a quilt.

Just have to find the right setting and maybe add some more blocks.

I’m sure I have some fabric from the same time

as these were made.



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