Gippsland Floods!

A couple of  weeks ago we had some extra time off with the already long weekend,

we headed to Gippsland. Where they had torrential rain

a few days before. Luckily for us we could divert our travel route

to avoid the closed roads due to flooding.

We still saw lots of properties flooded, where cattle only

had a small corner in the paddock to eat and be out of the water

which was flowing quite rapidly.

A huge expanse of water as far as the eye could see.

After unpacking the car we walked through the tea-tree to find at the end

of the track to find a huge drop to the beach. (in some places at least 5 metres)


It doesn’t look so bad in the first photo until you see the close-up

in the second one. In some places the vegetation is still attached

and is just hanging off the edge from where the sand had been washed away.

 Its hard to believe that from where the shoreline normally is,

that the surf which on this day was very calm could

 tonnes and tonnes of sand away.

And the fisherman in the family did catch us some fish

for dinner for a few nights.

          Thank you for visiting

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