Destination reached

Our destination for the day was Windy Warrnambool as many of the locals called it.

First place to head for was Logans Beach and the whale viewing platform.

No whales today, season closed apparently.

Decided to go down to the beach and view the viewing platform from the beach.

Had to count the steps on the way back up, approx. 100.

Didn’t relize it was so far down, whose idea was this.

I think it was mine, seemed like a good idea at the time.

David wanted to fish from the Hopkins River bridge

(which has a fishing platform)

and I did some exploring on my own.

Missed the turn off to where I was going

and walked an extra km before I realized, ah well a lovely walk anyway

with the sound of the ocean in the background.

Came across this fully restored building Proudfoots Boathouse.

Originally built over a century ago.

          Thank you for visiting

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