Demolition and Antiques

Before I add more pics of our travels last week, yesterdays weather

was a little wild. Strong wind in the morning with the first storm hitting

about 11am. Lots of thunder directly overhead followed closely by lightning.

And by the time I was ready to leave work there

was another storm (our third for the day) well underway.

This morning 33mls was in the rain gauge, the garden badly needed it

after all that wind, it was certainly starting to dry out.

Back to our travels, we spent a few hours wandering through

Mailors Flat Demolition and Antiques.

Hard to resist this china tea set, but no it stayed.

This clock was even more tempting….

An old red rattler train carriage, with its iron lacework

and pressed metal panels.


          Thank you for visiting

One Reply to “Demolition and Antiques”

  1. OOHH what a shop! Kaye, Meredithe, Karen and I would have had a lovely time in there – did you purchase anything?

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