Patchworkers Badges

Last Saturday at the autumn gathering I purchased

a badge from the Phillip Island Patchworkers to add to my very small collection.

I chatted for some time to one of the local members about badge collecting

and through the week a parcel arrived at my door.

When I opened it, there was M’s collection of badges from

all over Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the U.S.A. 

Here are just a few, far too many to photograph.

They also came with a notebook with information about where they had come from.

I keep taking them out of the container to look at them and wonder

about this patchworkers travels.

I feel very privileged to be custodian of this collection

          Thank you for visiting

2 Replies to “Patchworkers Badges”

  1. I am frequently amazed at the thoughtfulness and generosity of patchworkers! And she could obviously tell the badges would be in safe and caring hands…..and Julie – as promised, you did hear fromm me!!!

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