Changing of the Quilts

As the end of term looms closer,

classes have started and finished with many students completing their quilt tops.

It is time to move the quilts around.

So I packed up the car and headed for the hills

on a glorious autumn day to picturesque Warburton.

Along the way I came across this beautiful camellia hedge.

So I just had to stop and take a few photos, with permission of course.

Still plenty of buds left, will look spectacular for a few weeks yet.

Pennsylvania Rose Nickleby and Stars over Kansas are now at

 The Patchwork Tea House as pattern samples.

Many of my other patterns are there as well, some of these you can see on the website.

There is a Japanese corner in the store

where I picked up this fat quarter for a later project.

I also spotted this brown floral that I just had to have,

although I’m not sure what for yet. 

          Thank you for visiting

3 Replies to “Changing of the Quilts”

  1. hey juels! You will have to bring the new purchases in for show and tell at the shop next month. It looks like you had a lovely day up there it is very picturesque.

    1. Thanks Helen, I am at this moment using the Japanese fabric, trying to have it finished for my next post. Juels xx

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