On a drizzly Melbourne morning we caught the train to the

Australasian Quilt Convention.

We arrived to find a massive queue for ticket sales and we knew it was going to be very busy.

Neither of us had anything in particular that we wanted to purchase,

so we had a good look at what each stand had to offer.

As always there are the favorites and

a few new ones which was great to see and to chat to.

The Quilted Crow from  Tasmania.

Beautiful quilts in reproduction fabrics and felted wool applique.

Mill Rose Cottage from Ballan in Victoria.

The Mill Cottage restaurant and cafe is right next door,

We are already planning a day trip with the girls, can’t wait for that.

The Patchwork Tea House in Warburton, Victoria.

A lot to look at on this stand.

They were also extremely busy and very hard to have a close look at anything

with the huge crowd around this stand.

Homespun Magazine had an antique sewing machine

on their stand, just had to have a closer look.

So much to see along with the quilt show,

we didn’t get to look at every stand as time ran out.

As we left the exhibition building the sun had come out and was very pleasant outside.

Had a wonderful day and came home very inspired

and a stack of ideas for new quilts.

          Thank you for visiting

One Reply to “AQC”

  1. Hey Juels we were at the show as well. Ran into J & B from our class so we will all have heaps to discuss at our next catch up. Can hardly wait to see what you are going to create!

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